About Us
The Wellswood Civic Association and Wellswood Neighborhood Crime Watch meets the 2nd Monday of every other month in Jan., Mar., May, Sept and Nov.
- The Wellswood Civic Association is a registered 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.
- As a member & resident you qualify for a $50 discount off any rental of the Wellswood Civic Center! All proceeds and membership dues go towards Civic Center maintenance and promoting neighborhood activities.
Our Board
2025 Board Members
President - Jessica Scrivani
Vice-President - Tina Hurless
Treasurer - Ada Pyles
Recording Secretary - Kitty Wallace
Board Director At-Large - Michelle Lambo
Board Director At-Large - Ane Kloetzer
Crime Watch - Sonia Diaz
Hall Rental Agent - Jose Lazo
President - Jessica Scrivani
Vice-President - Tina Hurless
Treasurer - Ada Pyles
Recording Secretary - Kitty Wallace
Board Director At-Large - Michelle Lambo
Board Director At-Large - Ane Kloetzer
Crime Watch - Sonia Diaz
Hall Rental Agent - Jose Lazo