Wellswood Community Garden & Lending Library Located in the Wellswood Park 4918 N Mendenhall Dr.
How it started: The Super Bowl 55 Green team coordinated with the City of Tampa Parks and Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful to gift a community garden to Tampa as the host city. Wellswood was selected to be the recipient community for the garden and we could not be more excited. The garden is the first community garden on City of Tampa property within the Wellswood park.
Community garden sessions are most Saturdays from 9 am - 12 pm. Stop by to see the garden and talk to the gardeners. All are welcome and we would love to have everyone engaged. It is a community garden and not individual garden beds. We plant, upkeep and harvest as a collective. Email us here if you are interested in learning more about being involved
How it looks now!
Wellswood community gardeners who helped at the groundbreaking