Hello Wellswood Neighbors,
As the holidays are wrapping up, we are currently planning our events for the new year. We are excited to announce that the haunted house, breakfast with Santa along with the Wellswood Eats were a great success. Due to popular demand, we will begin to host Wellswood Eats quarterly in 2019. We are also happy to announce that all Association members will receive discounts on any Wellswood Civic Association functions. So don't forget to renew your dues. I would like to give a big thank you to our Vice President Tina Hurless along with all the other board members for the numerous amount of hours they dedicate to helping keep Wellswood wonderful. They continue to donate their free time attending meetings, planning and making decisions to repair the building to help make it a safe and enjoyable experience. Tina has done a fantastic job on publishing our quarterly newsletter and ensuring it is distributed in a timely matter with monthly event reminders and updates. Much gratitude to Kitty Wallace for securing the grant for our new community garden which will be located in the Wellswood Park. Thank you to Jose Lazo who did an amazing job donating his time as Santa! Also a big thanks to Ada Pyles, Michelle Lambo & Jessica Scrivani for all their time donated to the various events held at the Civic Center. And last but not least, Rey Cox who has donated countless hours during her many years on the Wellswood Board. Please don’t forget to renew your membership or join the civic association and show your support for our beautiful Wellswood Community. Dues are only $20 per household annually and come with great member benefits. Wishing all a happy, healthy, and safe New Year, looking forward to a great 2019! -Dominick Perrone Wellswood Civic Association President
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Dominick Perrone