Hello Friends & Neighbors,
It is such a pleasure to be able to communicate and share our community news with our neighbors via our Wellswood Nugget Newsletter, which the majority of us will now be receiving electronically through our e-mail tree. If you haven't already done so, please sign up to receive yours. I am very honored to be holding the position of President for our Association. As a Wellswood resident, I have always had such great love and appreciation for this neighborhood. I've always believed that this Association along with the committed residents is what has helped make Wellswood the safe and enjoyable community that it is today. I look forward to the opportunity to assist in helping this continue and create an even stronger community. I would like to extend an invitation out to all of our neighbors to join our association and to help us plan as well as attend our events. We need you on this journey, it is through your support, critics and encouragements that we, together can make Wellswood one of the finest neighborhoods of Tampa. Sincerely, -Dominick Perrone WCA President
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Dominick Perrone